What’s my true life path?

Perfection is and WAS always, YOU. 

This whole idea of BEING perfect and that you’re not in some way ALREADY perfect is a sham of the ego or… whatever you choose to name it. 

Perfection is and WAS always, YOU. 

Goddess and creator all along. 

And what if? 

You fully owned it and ran all the way through the line UP to the front and stood there in FULL REMEMBRANCE of WHO you are and what you’re capable of. 

It’s an IMAGE in your mind. 

A calling toward the light toward the warmth toward the full blown fucking KNOWING 

Who cares if you fall flat and no one claps at you. 

Were you going toward the you that you always wanted to embrace and embody?

Were you going toward the YOU that expresses fully with courage and unwavering steady forward motion?

YEAH! You were. 

The life up in your head IS the gift of God. It IS the message. IT IS the truth. All YOURS! God’s desire to express through you and it’s time. 

If it not JOYFUL then fuck it. NOT oh no I have to learn a new thing to express all my truth to a world that needs truth. That’s lazy.

The path is the path is the path. 

Like, the expansion is the expansion just IS. 

So when you truly decide to fuck all that stands in the way and run it over with your bulldozer waving the middle finger as you cruise by on your way to truest soul integration then SO BE IT. 

They will be saying THE AUDACITY this woman has… and I wish I could have her courage! 

That’s when you’ll know It’s not in vain babyyy, no way no way. 

Bring on the next one. 

Throw me in the fire. 

Watch me rise like the mf phoenix that I am. 

Over and over you upload and download, speak and remember..

Like don’t we already know it ALL yet?

Have we done enough? YET? 

How annoying is it to keep going and going like an energizer bunny just for the sake of moving when in fact ARE YOU even moving or is it a hamster wheel? 

If it’s PAIN then that’s the answer.

But you must decipher what kind of pain it is. 

NOT the kind of pain from growing and stretching yourself beyond your current means of existing. 

But like DO you mf hate the thing you’re doing?

Having a passion for something and IT requires that you learn how to do the damn thing because your PASSION requires you to learn new skills to bring it all the way to face the world. 


Like do you mf hate the thing you’re doing? 

Boring, dreadful, I might pull my mf hair out IF I do that damn thing for another hour, kind of hate that thing!!! 

YEAH! I think so. 

SO WHAT IF you really leapt and went for it (the passion)? 

Could it work? Hell yeah it could work and IT WILL WORK no matter what when you do it with soul, from soul, with all of your soul.

It mf HAS. to. work. 

The only reason you despise the other thing is because it’s going AGAINST SOUL. 

See, it’s that simple. 

Your entire BEING is speaking to you and communicating to you and showing you the way that is THE WAY. 

REGARDLESS of fear, punch that in the face, REGARDLESS of doubt, flush it down the toilet, regardless of money, understand you are SUPPORTED unconditionally always and forever.

This is just FACT. 

Perfection already is you from the moment you touched down. Beautiful soul, welcome. 

The YOU that you came here to be is ready right now. BE that version of your highest calling and ALL is well, ALL the time, in ALL the ways! No matter what, no matter where, no matter when.

It’s a done deal, envelope sealed. 

Love Zoey