Strap on the dynamite baby and light the mf match!

Haven’t you noticed as soon as you ask for the BIG thing that a moment after is when the fear comes?

Haven’t you noticed that the BIGGER “the thing” seems to you, the bigger the amount of money or the quality of the guy, or the whatever you ASK for, WHEN it seems beyond you, when it feels too big because you don’t even have a fucking clue what that would feel like if you had it.. 


When the fear monster comes riling up on you and will. Try. to. Trick. You. 

…into thinking you can’t, won’t, couldn’t, will not, make “THE THING”  happen. 

Notice how it comes

Notice how it gets louder

Notice how it screams at you

Notice how it get into every nook and cranny of your mind

Notice how it attempts to take over

Notice how it makes your heart beat faster

Notice how it brings up every living disbelief in yourself that ever existed

Notice how it tells you no one will buy from you, and your launches won’t sell out

Who even is that?

Do you think it’s THE you that came from the spiritual realm who knows all, is all, and will always be full of abundance no matter what the condition?

HeLL no it’s not THAT you.. 

It is the conditioned you, the programmed you, the computer running its repeat processing on automatic.

Interrupt the beast

Interrupt the loud speaker

Interrupt the you that isn’t you and let the YOU that desires PEACE and PURPOSE be LOUDER than anything else it could be. 

This is the moment when fear loses. 

This is the moment when you overcome. 

This is the moment when all the HIGHER QUALIFIED, able to RECEIVE UNCONDITIONAL you, THE YOU that always was, is, will be, is allowed in.

Blast THAT BITCH on repeat and let her reign as Queen! 

Okay so WHAT IF the other, she, comes back, what if she does?

SHE is a guide too, she is showing you the way and giving you the message to change the masses. 

Messenger in disguise. 

Miracle cloaked in mud. 

Magic waiting to happen. 

SHE squeezes the soul love from you, she can’t hide her face. 

SHE points you to the wrong way SO THAT you know THE WAY. 

SHE blesses you with the gift of CHOICE. 

Or it’s just a fairytale, a lie, a made up nightmare and the only thing for you to do is… 

Write a new story, tell the story, share the story, be the story, embody the story, live out the story….

The story of riches is yours and abundance of all kinds abounds. 

The true story that no matter where and no matter how, THE LIFE in your image in your mind is the truest DESIRE already ready to express in full force. 

NO one, not even HER can stop you. 

Let her show you the way, and THAT WAY will come, red carpet laid out, people watching as you pass, wanting the life you created because you listened to YOUR SOUL and the mistress in the dark. 

Queen of the richness, here to stay.