GIVING UP! …like the b*tch who knew she could

You know because you just do… that it’s easy as a summer breeze blowing your hair across your face. 

The choice becomes the truth of a future self not yet lived but so close you can touch her with your eyes inside. 

She lives in a way that is the fullest highest expression of the gift you provide. 

Her way of being aligns with such precision with which you can hardly tell the difference from the one who is becoming from the one who already is. 

Riding lines and visions from beyond? ….or just close enough you can reach out and touch its physical-ness. 

Dimensions of her running alongside you, and you know her so well. 

She is the you that you always felt. 

The you that lets go of strings, cuts out the unneeded, and lives her life on edge of freedom all the days of it. 

Majesty and matrix

The codes residing in the cells of mankind, the humankind, the YOU kind. 

If I could tell you a story of her you would recognize it. 

Sitting up in her room, plush satin pressed against her skin, a layer of love sifting the air, a glass of the finest in hand. 

Remembering the times when she has to make the choice that brought her here to this moment and the next.

Honoring the release of all the tragedies now labeled as gifts to her soul. 

A woman exceeding the norm.

She is the one. 

Slashing tigers and leaving no clue left unread. 

Slashing through every unneeded remnant of the past that keeps her there in a time that is unmoving and stagnant. 

Creation being the daily grind and drive of her soul. 

Expansion, now easy and unforced. 

Receiving a byproduct of all that she gives of herself naturally – to a world so in need of the truth that always was is and will be TRUTH. 

You never once questioned the command when Soul speaks 

Listen to then act. 

Because you knew where it was taking you – you knew the opulence that waited. You knew the kind of freedom that was already yours if you just reached out to embody it. 

And so it’s done like white on rice and rare as red can be. 

But she knows you and you know her. 

Together you look back at a life which once was and now echoes with a silence so sweet. 

Nothing else matters in this moment more than that KNOWING that you made it. 

The crack has been coded and there’s no going back. 

Allow. allow. allow. IN her voice of reason and fact. 

Because she is the guardian to ALL and she unlocks the castle to IT.

She HAS unlocked it. 

Now walk in and take a look at what you created. 

It’s peaceful here.