The fuckery of it all just to make a dollar?
Fuckery being.. the devotion to a job or thing you don’t actually DESIRE.
To avoid the REAL call and pull toward what you would be doing if you stopped caring about being perfect and well put and whether or not you drop an f bomb a couple of dozen times….
Why not just put the pressure down for a day to see how it feels when you let go…
Why not just release your deep attachment to a physical thing that doesn’t even give you satisfaction in the least bit and just so you can say you did it or what?
How about doing, following, expressing what’s truly inside you finally once and for all?
It would be a whole lot of pressure released – no more need to follow one straight line of demarcation that isn’t really a fucking mark of reality UNLESS you say it is, anyway.
Just move the screaming b*itch inside you out the way and go do the damn thing WOULD YOU?
Consciously you know she’s not really who YOU are.
Consciously you know it’s all MADE UP anyways.
Consciously you know you CAN.
It just doesn’t make any more sense, for any longer, to fake it anymore.
It just doesn’t make sense to die inside trying to express your gift – the gift of life piercing through you when you could just let everything else fall away and give into the ring ring ring……
Now what if you just let YOU be YOU, smiling and free?
Would that make you happy?
I think… yes.
What do you think?