Relationships like money like career like fitness – ALL THE SAME! 

I honestly thought my whole life these had to be connected but I wasn’t always sure how to connect the dots EVEN though I managed to over time and it’s astonishing to me. 

I mean really it’s based on what you yourself VALUE and whether or not you’re valuing what you value. 

It’s like how I’ve been talking about in my short book about FOLLOWING SOUL (you’ll see eventually) and getting all the things you want out of life BECAUSE OF following your soul’s calling – which it is calling btw – WHEN you do the damn things that you WANT to be doing in life…

EVEN when it’s scary as all get out.

EVEN when you feel that all the odds are stacked against you.

EVEN when everyone around you and your ENVIRONMENT say you can’t.

You just do the damn things anyways and hell yeah in spite of the naysayers – even better! 

Let THEM and their non-belief be your ROCKET FUEL. 

And I have been talking lately about how EASY it actually is to be successful in areas of life where you want to be and IT requires you to FOLLOW SOUL.

Sure, following soul may not be EASY because actually it is pretty fucking scary but its also at the same time like THE MOST exciting thing you could possibly WANT to be doing at any given moment – and THAT’S HOW you know. 

So don’t give me that crap about NOT KNOWING because you do in fact KNOW. 

Your body tells you.

Your mind tells you.

Your emotions tell you.

Your values tell you.

Your HEART tells you.


No one can give it to you. 

No one can take it away from you. 

The man of my heart showed up because I showed up to my heart. 

I was LED by SOUL to where I was destined to go to be with whom I was meant to be with no matter a dating app or not – our vibration and intention brought us together. 

I decided and he did. 

I chose and he did. 

We both ACTED accordingly within our lives therefore valuing what we valued and therefore magnetizing each other. 

Same as in fitness as in money as in career as in ALL relationships. 

Moral of the story today is to def FOLLOW YOUR SOUL. 

It knows the knowing.