It’s not a question of DO YOU WANT excellence, it IS a question of DO YOU CHOOSE excellence?

Up until now you might not have. 

Up until now as long as things were ok and stable THEN it’s “fine”.

Up until now settling for mediocrity was totally normal and safe. 

You actually desire for more but “ok” was the best you were going to get OR SO YOU THOUGHT for some years UP UNTIL NOW. 

Settling for less of being YOU – not an option. 

Settling for second best – not an option. 

Settling for anything that is NOT what you desire – no more!

You’ve reached a pivotal moment in time in which you have two choices:

  1. To reach far beyond what you’ve ever known as possible as a leader as a partner as a money making boss.
  2. Stay slumped over in settled-ness NOT getting what tf you want EVERYWHERE in life. 

You actually didn’t truly know any better and it’s a STANDARD of what you have been given without your permission and NOW you have the CHOICE, the PERMISSION, the moment to make the DECISION you’ve been putting off, so WHAT will it BE?

A FUCK THIS moment, I’m doing the damn thing, I don’t care how, it’s HAPPENING!?

That’s the GET what TF you came here VIBE! 

Will you get what you came for?