ROCK HARD certainty. 

How do you have it?

You simply haven’t YET just CHOSEN to have it. 


1) Notice where you have a standard of something. It could be money or in relationships or how fit and healthy you allow yourself to be, do, have. 

2) Journal about this and consider that the way it has been UP UNTIL NOW is something you’ve CHOSEN whether consciously or not. It’s YOUR STANDARD. Get everything out on paper or a word doc and the point here is to shine the light of your awareness on what is TRUE for you, right now, and that you chose this. 

3) THEN – choose again that you chose this. Accept it. 

4) THEN – ask yourself what you actually would like to be TRUE for you? What is your next level desire? Name the NEW STANDARD in which you would like to be ROCK HARD certain about. 

5) UNDERSTAND that you are and always were UNCONDITIONALLY WORTHY of any new uplevel of STANDARD! Own this fact right here. Get it viscerally and on the level of your souls knowing. Because after all you wouldn’t look at a baby and think “she’s not worthy of absolutely anything and everything her precious heart desires!” You wouldn’t do that and if you would you can unfriend me now. 

6) UNDERSTAND that you are that baby girl/boy who is now a powerful women/man who IS, WAS, and ALWAYS will be UNCONDITIONALLY WORTHY of being a wife/husband, being treated like a queen/king, being a millionaire/six-figure coach, or being s*xy af walking around in a swimsuit admiring herself. 

REMEMBER: you’re worthy right now of HAVING IT ALL and being ROCK HARD CERTAIN about it. 

CHOOSE your standard and ACT.