INSPIRED by life or not it’s something for you to create ongoingly. 

You can CHOOSE to stay in the mundane-ness of life day by day or CHOOSE something new and vibrant. 

THAT conscious choice is a LIFE BE DESIGN and not leaving it to chance. 

It’s the journey of BEING awake and creating your day by day on PURPOSE with massive INTENTION.

I certainly can get bored af with doing the same routine HOWEVER there is a way to turn it into something different day by day. 

Switch it up a little bit. Do things at different times of the day. Add something in one day that you didn’t add yesterday but keep it simplistic but also seductive. 

Like pour yourself into it. 

Flow with it. 

You can manage to get ALL THINGS done in the span of all the hours you have in each day and it doesn’t have to get boring. 

Flip it up and get playful. 

Life is really REALLY meant to be enjoyed and you’re not meant to WORK HARD and be DRIVEN to no end. 

When you allow yourself to explore YOU and explore WHAT you LOVE in this life and do MORE of that – THAT’S when you start to fall more in love with all the moving pieces. 

Because the pieces are always going to be moving for sure. 

You’re always going to be changing for sure (for the ones on the ascension path of never staying the same and taking quantum leaps – you babyy!).

And another good insight is this: you may only hate what you’re doing simply as a construct of your mind and the lack of love for YOU and exactly where you ARE, what you’re DOING and creating and WHO you’re BEING in the world. 

What are you creating newly as a possibility of your future, right now, today?