I’m glad I stayed RESILIENT

Judgment may have flooded in over the last two years of being an online coach and world traveler but I had to CHOOSE to drown out the noise – BECAUSE noise is all it was and still is…

I’m glad I stayed RESILIENT to make it to $100,000 and just getting started!

Finish the degree they say

It’s not safe to travel alone they say

Why would you do that/this/the other things that I CHOOSE they ask

BECAUSE i wanted to and because I don’t have to explain to anyone about MAKING my dreams, goals, and DESIRE my life’s priority

What I desire God desires to express through me and SO IT IS. 

I’ve been able to travel all over the globe fulfilling my wishes that I thought for a long time were only pipe dreams! 


I met the man of my dreams who I fall deeply in love with, work with, do fitness with every single day! 

There once was a time at the beginning when launches were unpredictable and now EVERY launch I have new clients are signing up to my programs and clients on repeat again and again , joining every program. 

It’s not that hard but you must be resilient and you must not give up EVER. 

Don’t take a long ass break, stay in your own lane and sell your AMAZING offers, products and services DAILY. 

Feel better always

Focus on you and your biz always

Sell always

Create forevermore 

Love Zoey