Flip the switch on that LOUD MOUTH LIAR! 

She’s allowed to exist and you don’t have to listen. 

She’s allowed to mock you and try to tear you down. 

She can come at you with all her might BUT…

Your HIGHER SELF, the God, the Love, inside you CANNOT be stopped. 

If you just DECIDED right now that things were going to go YOUR WAY, well then, things WILL go your way! 

If you just DISAPPROVE of anything that isn’t from a source of the almighty power of LOVE, in, and all around you, well then MIRACLES are born there, in that still, calm, directive, sureness, of aligned action that is GIVEN to you when you just sit the fuck down, shut up, and listen. 

Are you listening?

To her, or to YOU. 

The WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Which is LOVE, of course. There is nothing else. 

This love, when you finally understand it, IS the end all be all CREATOR inside you. 

Love is kind but it doesn’t mean it doesnt PUSH. 

Love is patient but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t FORCE. 

Love is unconditional but it doesn’t mean it takes circumstances at FACE VALUE. 

If you just slow down and allow love to be your guide, to be guided by the almighty KING, that’s when you know without a shadow of a doubt that you could go all the way to the last moment and STILL CAUSE MAGIC. 

Don’t back down. 

Put up a fight. 

Don’t take no for an answer. 

There is always A WAY. 

Let LOVE guide you there. 

ALL OF THIS ^^^^^ IS… the source of your supply (money).