Truth is, you have DONE ENOUGH. 

Inherently, just being you IS THE enough-ness that makes the man, the money, the desires of your heart, DROP IN. 

Seems radical, I know, right!?

But BEING human is about trusting in the unknownness of it all. 

But in the pure vast moments of truth, you know it when you see it. 

You know it when you feel it. 

IT IS that you are unconditionally worthy and perfect of that, the anything, which you desire. 

Not later.

Not WHEN you do this or that. 

Not WHEN you finally get your shiz together. No!

Right now. When you CLAIM it. 

When you demand, declare, commit to it, speak it into existence INSTEAD of speaking it OUT OF EXISTENCE (like you’ve done for way too long). 

Like damn, can you please understand, and if believe nothing else BUT THIS:

You’re more powerful than a fucking lightning bolt!

You can SPEAK and HAVE it all!

You can not believe but still SAY & ACT toward the things in FAITH, and so it is, it will come to pass. 

Blind faith still isn’t not faith. 

So when you’re feeling like it couldn’t possibly BE (the money, the impact, the growth, the clients and cash) THEN sit and know ONE THING:

Unconditional is your birthright to abundance, financially and otherwise. 

Your words make it be, well, otherwise. 

Unconditional is your access to heaven on earth, financially and otherwise. 

Your words make it be, otherwise. 

Unconditional is your wishing well of whatever you desire, financially, in love and marriage, in career and mission. 

Your words are prayers to the almighty giver. 

Are your words CREATING or DESTROYING?