Sometimes I wonder why I was chosen for this mission. 


What about it, God?

Yeah, I know I heard you tell me when I was 12 that I had to find a way back to it. 

I didn’t understand, not fully, not then. 

So many times I have been full of lovelessness, Godlessness, or maybe God was never not there, come to think of it, yeah, I’ve always been protected and supported. 

But never enough, impatience, anger, raging fear?!

All this ^^^^^ is the lack-love. 

It is not love. 

It is not God. 

The fiery idea of hell IS IN YOUR HEAD.

It’s in the thoughts that pound at every inch of your skull. 

It’s in the words you say, which all come true, one way or another. 

It’s in the WAY YOU’RE BEING.

You think it’s your IDENTITY, your DESTINY, the only life you’ll ever have….

But if you change your thoughts, your words, and WHO you’re being?! 


Love is kind, caring, unconditionally giving, patient, abundant; all are God. 

You are made in God’s image. What reflection do you see in the mirror? Who are you being? What spells are you speaking? What thoughts are you thinking? Are you causing disasters or causing miracles?

Although I wonder why I was personally selected for this mission, the mission itself is clear to me. My ministry is to bring the people back to love. To self power, healing, strength, and to CAUSE miraculous alterations in the course of your life, families, and generations to come. 

BECAUSE all that is not love is not real and must be forgiven and released. 

Sometimes I wonder wtf, Zoey!? 0-100 on the spiritual awakening or what? Yup, when the mission is given, it cannot be stopped. And if I resist, it will persist, either way. So I allow it, even when it’s overwhelming at times, massive movements, HUGE quantum leaps that cause spiritual/mental whiplash lol. Ok. I surrender. 

Are you also chosen?