The waiting period is the one in which you get the most tired of.

WHEN, if you sit in the waiting (with trust, faith, patience, perseverance) then the ‘things’ in which you ask for are WILLED into being by the power of your own speech. 

This one sentence says it all so if that’s all you read you could go on with your day and know what to do to create your life long pursuits into REALITY. 

But let’s break it down into its smaller parts that make up the whole>>>

Because waiting is more than just sitting with coffee and donuts for your money, man, car, dream house to fall into your lap, NO, you are being molded into the version of you that can characteristically handle all that you ask for. 

You are being shaped

You are being shaped into the women who can characteristically hold the responsible space for the man who adores you, the large amounts of money in the bank, and the whole dream life you’ve been holding in your heart all along. 

Waiting, then, is your training, and if you fail to recognize that then the waiting takes longer lol which I know, and you know, that you don’t want to wait longer.

Funny!? Could be. 

Trust in the waiting

Trusting? Which is to say that you trust in the waiting that you must be in, in order for the shaping and molding of your character to take place AND that OUT OF the waiting will come what you have asked for. Do you believe that? 

Do you think you are meant to go through life just getting what you ask for without BECOMING the version of you that can actually hold the money, the relationships, the LIFE you dream of? 

Which may seem to go against the grain of other things I’ve said about being UNCONDITIONALLY WORTHY of all that you desire, which you still are, HOWEVER, you are still meant to be molded through the fire (the hardships, the setback, the opening of your heart).

And what then? Do you crack? Do you lose it? Do you keep your word and stay in integrity? Can you handle the heat? Will you continue the journey or give in to fear?

Don’t you think it’s all with a purpose? Like I said before, to mold you and create character that can withstand any flame no matter the pressure? 

Faith in you, God, provision & purpose

FAITH that at the end of the firewalk there is a new you, same as you always were, but without the old bag of luggage you carry around weighing you down, judging people and self, holding on to unforgiveness and resentment?

FAITH that what you ask for is coming and you just have to let God guide the way, with you fully knowing that there is purpose in the path?

FAITH that every piece of provision you need IS provided for by your one and only Source of it all and believing that every step of the way you are GIVEN what you need.  

Patience, gorgeous soul, for it’s in the patiently waiting that you are becoming the YOU that was always there but was never allowed to be shown through for protection purposes. 

Perseverance is being taught to you

Death and Life are in the power of your WORDS. 

Are you speaking life or death/disease into your lifelong dreams? 

It’s your mouth that can create more miracles or more messes. 

Which one will it be? 

p.s. Rich Girl School is open for enrollment until 4/30 LINK HERE:

or dm to see if this is right for you. 

p.p.s Movement Momentum Money Mastermind for entrepreneurs starting, growing, or scaling your business is opening soon for presale >$7.99 monthly<  dm me for info. Monthly training, weekly content on how to + strategies, and a community for support, connection, and more.