The MESS is meant to be THE MESSAGE

To be honest sometimes I feel so far away mentally and emotionally and, yes, physically too, from a life of poverty I lived before this and when I remember it’s quite humbling indeed. 

Nothing is crazy extravagant and I’m not rolling around in a Rolls Royce BUT I’ve gotten something so much deeper and meaningful in my life after experiencing all the trauma, the chao….

NOW the mess has TRULY become my message. 

Believe it or not you do attract clients that are YOUR REFLECTION. 

They come to me because they can relate to either some of the pain I’ve had in the past or they want a taste of what I have created or both ie; entrepreneur business woman, traveling, met my dream guy, made it to 100k+ in online biz and living a normal life in Cancun, Mexico WITHOUT all the fuss of a dark past holding me back. 

What a gift it is to be here and what a gift it was to go through what I have gone through to get here, right where I am, knowing what I know, being able to speak to many different types of women KNOWING that NOTHING can stop a woman who’s on a mission. 

Generations of lies, secrets, childhood abuse, neglect, and poverty were the odds I was fighting against. AND yes IT WAS A FIGHT. 

While waging war against the thought demons inside me I learned a lot to be able to help others on their journey (don’t think for a second that I don’t still fight the demons off but so much less effort with God and practice on my side).

My brother may have chosen to take his life and in him doing so I came to know how much I WANTED MY LIFE. 

For my life to be different, profound, meaningful, filled with love, peace, and joy, being a successful entrepreneur and a wife to a good man plus one day a mother. 

So while I remember where and what I came from I feel a lot of pride and humility. 

It was never that I changed WHO I AM it’s that I have removed the heavy chains that WERE NOT ME and now I can be WHO I ALWAYS WAS & ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. 

The further away my new life gets from the old life it sometimes feels like I forgot how I got here, which is why I was guided today to write and share about my life and how I got here…

As I am no different than any of you I sometimes wonder what’s inside me that had me push through and not get addicted to drugs, not become a teen mom, not stay in an abusive relationship physically or mentally (including with myself) and CHOOSE to rise up against the odds. 

[side note: I almost became a mom at 18 and when I think back to that time it was ONE of very few things that I took a good amount of time to think through in order to make my decision. Some of you may disagree but that’s fine, my body, my choice, and idc what you say or think, it was still one of the hardest decisions i ever had to make.]

ONE THING that set me apart and can also set you apart is to USE THE PAIN to pour on your little fire inside and build it bigger – not to rage against humanity, not to shut everybody out and stay in hiding and protecting, not to seek revenge and punishment on those who wronged you AND NOT EVEN to just make sure that people still love you when all is said and done. 

I was given the gift of LOVING TO SELF REFLECT even when it was the hardest thing to do to LOOK IN THE MIRROR… but to look in the mirror and close your eyes to go inward is the most powerful thing you can do and even more powerful when you do it with someone who is trained to help you unravel the stories you made up about life, people, money, lovers, trust, yourself and happiness. 

Use the pain to drive you forward. Let it be your desire that suffering in your family ENDS WITH YOU and feed the passion of that purpose! 

Let it be your reason for healing because it starts with you. 

Let it be your reason for waking up in the morning because it begins with you. 

Let it be your reason for learning new skills, hard things, and stretching in every way, because it is ending with you.

Let it be your reason for the way you eat healthy, sleep 8 hours, and move your body BECAUSE it starts with you. 

Let it be your reason for courageously communicating and not backing down when people don’t like you for taking a scary stand for humanity’s uprising BECAUSE it begins with you. 

If not you, then WHO?

Let all of it be your reason for getting rich, mind, body, soul BECAUSE yes baby!!! IT ENDS WITH YOU, BEGINNING! 

And if you even think you want to be RICH financially and otherwise then you MUST start somewhere and you must start NOW (and quit that someday bs). 

Join us inside Rich Girl School where you take on your life with a new depth of understanding, transformation, manifestation and totally NEW WAYS OF THINKING  (and acting) ABOUT MONEY. 

Click the Rich Girl School tab on the main menu to access payment options. Doors for this enrollment period close April 30th. 

Let’s take a stand together to create a new path for your future, your family, financially and otherwise. 

It begins with you!