Making money has to become NORMAL for you.

When making money is put high high up on a pedestal then the GAP between you making money and IT BEING NORMAL widens by a long shot. 

A lot of money and a little money is the same WHEN making money is a normal everyday occurrence.

You can sense the truth in this if not anything else, yet. 

I remember making my first 3,333 sale. Then 5,555. Then 7,700 and more. Saving over 31,000 in the bank.

I danced and celebrated and absolutely doing that is a must. 

Dropping to my knees and thanking God.

Deep acknowledgement for the majesty of the Giver.

But when 10 dollars to you is the same and AS NORMAL as 10,000 dollars then ALLOWING it to flow into your reality becomes easy. 

Because it just is. 

Because you just ARE a person who makes money everyday, in all ways, thousands of dollars monthly, without needing to DO more, BE better or something special, but just because you LET IT IN. 

3 years online and 5 years transforming my relationship to money while helping hundreds of others do it too, it is the FOUNDATION of being successful at entrepreneurship.

At every new income level you will be hit with excitement and joy and nerves that seem to come out of nowhere but they are guiding you to WHAT needs to be looked at and released. 

Normalizing every new step of the way is normal protocol. 

Bow down in gratitude. 🙏🏻

And realize that you are WORTH INFINITE MILLIONS just by plainly existing. 

However I realize that is not how we relate to ourselves, and it’s quite often the truth that you don’t.

If you want to win the lottery then buy a ticket and begin to explore your relationship with money. 

If you don’t do the exploring then you’ll end up where you began and not know what hit you. 

Consciousness is KEY. 

When you know yourself, ALL PARTS, all sides, the options expand and YOU are capable of achieving way more than you can even imagine right now. 

Building a life fully and wholly a DREAM , or so you thought it was a dream, but now pulled down out of an imaginary bubble in the sky becomes NORMAL.

Faster and faster and faster it flies low….

Because you’re ready

Because you said so

Because you did the work and kept doing it

Because you had faith

Because you walked when you couldn’t see the path

Because you obeyed your intuition and moved

Because it was ALWAYS meant to be this way

No one, not even YOU could stop you, not with a drive like that. 

Epic transformations of even more epic proportions. 

They don’t recognize you and why would they!?

You mutated, you morphed, you mesmerized thousands by your wide ranging expansion of the tower of light. .  . the guiding light. . . the beacon of hope. . . and yet, HOPE?! Ha! 

Hope is not needed with this kind of metamorphosis. 


Complete faithfulness to the fulfillment.

My eyes can see past what’s in front of me

My eyes can feel the crisp green trees and the starchy white linens

My eyes can touch the foam topped cappuccino and the blades of grass under my feet, bare and cold

Faster. . .  faster. . . faster . . . 

The rushing forward and toward you, it comes. 

Whirring and whirling. 

Spinning around and dropping IN. 

A chain reaction to LETTING GO and ALLOWING GOD. 

One final drop down through the bs and whoosh!

Snap goes it all. 

Locked, loaded, ka-boom! 

Normal is normal is normal as you make it be, that you say it is, as you allow it to BE.