what income does a coach make online?

I lied to you.

In a way I wasn’t truthful with you…

I said I have hit 100k in my business and I realize that everyone will interpret my words whatever way they do and it’s honestly my job to make sure you understand WHAT I mean.

Truthfully I have made 157,800.34 (this doesn’t include what I made from Beachbody when I was coaching with them in 2020).

157,800.34 since I was laid off from my desk job in April 2020 as the Finance Manager where I was getting paid 60,100 per year.

ALL THIS as a new coach, new entrepreneur, new at ALL OF THIS.

5k months but sometimes it was lower and sometimes it was way higher.

One of my private clients brought this up which prompted me to write this post.

So I wanted to be clear.

I have made 157,800.34 in 3 years total (minus the Beachbody income and possibly other errors to be honest).

Personally I think that’s great considering I am not an employee, I don’t rely on anyone but me, and after three years I’ve really started to establish a deep foundation in my business which WILL and IS leading to long term growth and expansion.

therichgirlschool.com and femmefortexo.com are the vibe right now.

I never hired a business coach.

INSTEAD I got certified as a Master Practitioner of Evolved Neuro Linguistic Programming because ULTIMATELY in business it’s YOU AGAINST YOU and if you don’t believe in yourself and your ability to be resourceful and have confidence and love the heck out of your own face, your own voice, your body and the way you think and speak and just OWN UP TO your GREATNESS + BEAUTY + MAGNIFICENCE. . . then what else matters!?

PLUS before I became a coach I was a STAFF MEMBER at one of the WORLDS largest coaching companies next to Tony Robbins… I was trained accordingly, I am a go-getter, I know how to make things happen even when I don’t have all the answers right now, I find them.

There are plenty of people who have never made this amount each year or will in three.

And then there are people who have made WAY MORE.

Even some of my clients have made more than me and make more than me and will make more than me.

Money is not the point of being in business but it sure is a lovely delectable byproduct.

Service AND my clients feeling free to be themselves IS THE POINT.

Free from trauma
Free from self hatred
Free from regret
Free from self loathing
Free from the wraiths of anger
Free from fear
Free from anxiety
Free from depression
Free from abuse attraction
Free from poverty thinking
Free from endless cycles of self doubt INTO AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT VIEW OF THE WORLD.

Everyone is different, every entrepreneur has a different path, everyone has a different background with money, different trauma and stories to heal and re-write so please don’t compare your road to mine and I will continue to do the same.

Some coaches claim a lot more money than this faster than I did and some even less.

One of my favorite coaches who’s been doing this online thing for almost 20 years even said she didn’t make any money for the first 5 years (now she has made over 20 million or something like that amount)…

So if anything, just take the following moral of the story:

Money! Making it, keeping it, growing it, feeling powerful with it and being responsible… is an automatic byproduct of knowing your deep inherent worth and value.

Even I have had to face THE DARK SIDE of my Soul. Or is there a dark side…? Maybe not.