what is my spiritual path in business?

I’m so sick of being told what to do as if I myself don’t already have the answers inside me. 

The spiritual path is knowing yourself and your divine nature more and deeper as you go along the path.

And yes, this is about business and entrepreneurship. In my opinion the most spiritual journey I’ve ever been on is entrepreneurship. 

Trauma in the business world is a real thing, yes I am aware that it begins within us and gets triggered from outside sources only to then once again point us back toward knowing and loving ourselves even more for who we are and embracing and making peace with our past.  

But I have to say I am so sick of business coaches teaching that you must do business a certain way and not only that but the so not wanted “or else” stamp that goes on everything you do, if you don’t do it the way they say. 

While I am over here teaching women to understand the selling psychology of how marketers get you to buy and spend your money with them and how to stop buying for the sake of buying so you can actually build wealth, they are teaching us how to get you to buy using sales psychology, fear tactics to get you to spend your money – because it works! 

Yes, I am guilty of using these tactics too. 

Of course I want you to spend your money on my course but not to line my pockets. 

I want you to learn to become someone who can build wealth, who does fully believe in yourself and who knows they are worthy of an amazing life, living in God’s promises of who you are and what’s available to you and passionately existing in your purpose whilst getting paid to do it all. 

That YOU get to live happy, healthy, and wealthy. 

I think we can do that without the sleazy tactics. 

I believe we can do that by being totally ourselves and breaking the rules of what we’re told we “should” be and how to talk and what box we need to fit into in order to “make it” in the business of our passions.

I cannot.

I will not. 

Spiritual deprivation is what it is, if anything. 

I have felt the most lost when I turn away from my inner wisdom and knowing. When I turn my focus outward on what some other guru says is the answer to my problem. 

It’s traumatizing to lose sight of how much you already know you need to be happy. 

We know what to do to be happy, just like we know how to get fit, lose weight and build wealth. 

Eat less and more nutritiously plus exercise. 

Earn more, spend less and save. 

We just must let go of the delusions and denial that we somehow DON’T know what to do. 

So the revolution to rise up against anything pointing you away from your inner knowing and not towards it… rise up and revolt against it! 

You are the light of your life. 

You are the knower in a world that doesn’t “know” what’s exactly right for YOU.

You are the God within you expressing physical manifestations of beauty and miracles. 

I share this because I recently had an experience that took me off my path. 

Of course it was me who stepped off. I take full responsibility. 

I don’t blame the coach. 

I also don’t blame myself. 

It was simply shiny object syndrome and putting the bottom line ahead of purpose. 

I’ll go first in my confession. I put the bottom line ahead of my purpose. 

I made money more important than my message. 

And that’s when getting off the path of the real purpose can set in. 

Now having reached multiple 6-figures in cash sales since 2020 (and more by the time you’re reading this) the desire to scale and grow and reach more people most certainly comes into play. 

It has always been about helping women grow out of trauma or self-disbelief in their dreams and goals; that’s my purpose.

And when someone offers that expansion in the form of a new strategy and easier methods, who wouldn’t want that? 

But if you can take anything from this, don’t follow if it feels bad. 

Check in with self to make sure it’s correct. 

You know yourself best when it comes to what you want to do business in and how. 

Trust that when it feels really really bad, it might be off your purpose path. 

And even so, the lessons you learn on the so-called “off path” may also be exactly what you need to learn right now and are exactly what your purpose is. 

In fact, if everything is as it should be, then yes, going “off” the path just might be the right path. 

So you can find yourself and know yourself and purpose at an even deeper level. 

May you always know yourself and trust your inner wisdom, my friends. 

