The money just kept coming in droves anyways..

You may not have noticed but I took a bit of a hiatus.

Sort of. I was around but less so with the launching that I usually do.

I found myself at a crossroads and a bit of a struggle with the HOW and the WHAT of what I was doing with the way I did business.

Which of course brought me back to my original stand which is to do business my way and learn cool vibey things I can align with in the way that cause the dreamy clients to find me and pay me because they feel called and pulled to

That’s what I’m here for anyways as a matter of my mission, not the money, however nice that is, but more so for the path that must be walked down in order to find myself at the open gate of FINANCIAL resourcefulness and supply.

A very spiritual experience too I must say.

So I went down a side street and slipped into a hole. 🕳️ 

One that had mirrors and road signs showing the way…

Basically a hard strong long look at myself, my biz, life, new marriage and IDENTITY. 

All of my favorite yet not always easiest work to consistently show up to, but I choose it again and again.

And this is where I draw the line once again.

In the mother freaking SAND. 

It is not my job to speak to and try to attract clients who are not my ideal match.

It IS however my job to speak OUT the soul message inside of me and get out what I want to get out to the people who care to listen and learn from me about getting from A to Z.

And usually in a fairly short amount of time IF YOU’RE UP FOR THE TASK.

And the women who feel called ARE up for the task because they read, they watched, they listened and resonated with my message.

I don’t have to prove it.

I don’t have to manipulate.

I don’t have to strategize.

I don’t have to dot my i or cross my t JUST so you’ll drink the water from my reservoir.

So short story: I like to write. Scratch that….


When I was in 3rd/4th grade, 8 years old or so, I had a writing assignment for a class… 

What came of those days and that assignment was that my teacher gave me a journal and told me to keep writing. 

I even remember the short note inside the cover that inspired me to do so.

And I did. Writing was always my favorite. It was easy, it came easy and so I expressed myself this way.

For a time I even composed my own piano songs through writing poetry. 

So fast forward to starting an online business and I had gained some confidence, I took chances, I put content out that scared the living crud out of me but I did it and didn’t die.

And of all things my broad niche was money (and still is) and sometimes I wonder, will I change it….? Perhaps or not.

Or just keep being the woman who I have been called UP to be and drown out the VERY LOUD NOISE of writing, copy, and business coaches who either don’t know how to properly teach you to express yourself in content while still promoting your offer…

Or…. Haven’t themselves mastered the art of expression alongside selling what they have to sell. 

It’s nonsense. 

First and foremost THE THING that should be generated and in fact nurtured is YOU BEING YOU.

Because that’s the treasure chest. 

You’re the GOLD. 

And when you lead first from trying to get it right and fitting into a mechanical box of writing content to JUST MAKE MONEY… 

Instead of writing your content to GET THE MESSAGE out… is that going to fulfill you if you don’t? 

I say NOT. 

The money comes when you just trust yourself.

When you actually fully believe in yourself.

When you just be you to be you and show up in service of what your mission is.

F what anybody else says is the path for you.

Your path is YOURS ONLY. 

Your message is YOURS ONLY.

Your offer is YOURS ONLY.

Your mission, the way you share what you came to share, the impact you make with people IS YOURS ONLY. 

So write. 

Make it messy and be willing for it to be wobbly.

Being you is always the winner for you and for everyone else.

Matter of fact NOT being you fully can have loads of consequences like physical ailments, dis-ease, and not getting what you want in life…

…another passion of mine in the mix with money mindset on the spiritual level of mastery.

But I don’t wish that on people, in fact the opposite.

So believe me or not but it does pay high returns to just show up, do the work to GO DEEPER inside yourself, heal, express, forgive, move on, forward and UP…

The dividend payback is unlimited and worth the wait, the work and the water dripping down in tears on your face. 

And do I help you do this? Yeah I do. 

Do I get paid? With the highest of integrity, yeah I do. 

So when I walked down that street and found myself at the bottom of a hole 🕳️….

I made it count.

I double, triple checked and I’m still checking.

And the money still kept coming in droves and still does keep coming.

Stacked up again to prove that when I let go and allow myself to write and express my message and be me fully and don’t question it, just listen to God….

That’s when magical things happen.

In person events and high ticket clients and money out of nowhere shows up and stays. 

All because I said so.

I show up as so.

And I let the message be the message and nothing else.

So when I walked down that side street and fell into a hole 🕳️ I actually got to be with myself. 

And right there with myself was exactly where the answers were, it’s where the knowing became known again, and where the magic of being me could emerge again, newly formed and fostered.

So when expression and urgency to produce financial means gets to be a task that is disliked and actually hated…. 


Reflect on what’s the purpose, what’s the mission, are you mastering your message that no one else can possibly express except you and are you doing it solely for money or because YOU HAVE TO IN ORDER TO BE YOU AND LIVE YOUR LIFE ON FULL BLAST?!

P.S. I’ve got multiple offers free and paid open right now and I’m stoking the fires 🔥 of a BLACK FRIDAY offer for the soul sisters ready to share their message, ready to build a business on Facebook and only all in to do the damn thing, the launching, lead generating, fb group love hustle, flash sales, story sales, signature offers, high ticket, strategies, live video, and so much more all while just showing up for your message and for those who need to hear it and for the sake of being fully EXPRESSED – it’s a MAKE MONEY WITH SOUL VIBE offer at a FB post coming near you. Watch out for it and comment below for the details when they land. 

❤️Love, Zoey