Expression For Expression Sake

What’s expression if not just for expression?

Expression for expressions sake. 

Do we need a reason and why?

I thought I might but nobody puts Zoey in a corner, not even me. 

It’s for the sake of being open and transparent. 

When most of us hide and we hide from what? For protection and saving face. 

To sit in our own stuff and grow weary? 

We express and when we do we come to find out that we don’t always believe what we say to ourselves inside. 

The beliefs we once thought ruled over us can disappear in an instant because we allow it to come to light. 

Expression for expressions sake. 

No business coach or person can say I can’t do this or that because what do they know about me and my purpose? 

No one can tell you what works for you and what is ART to you. 

It’s yours and yours alone. 

Tapping into the flow of words on the screen and they pour forth because you let go of reason and justifying and trying to get it right because you stand for one thing and that one thing only and that is that all human beings express, be seen and heard, and take all the taboos out of the forbidden closet and finally be free! Ohh!? (gasp)

Either way you are loved. 

Either way you are a gift. 

Either way you make a difference. 

Either way you can change the world. 

Either way you will get what you desire, everyday when you live in it, feel it, and be it right now, either way…

She Became A Budding Beauty

The turning point is when you face yourself and ask, is it really more comfortable when you shrink back and allow yourself to fold in rather than out? 

The bud never became as beautiful and magnificent staying wrapped up tight and hidden, no. 

She became a budding beauty by taking risks, trusting the process, and not caring or worrying about how she looked, sounded, appeared, or any of that. 

She just was. 

And that way of being made her courageous and bold, audacious and brilliant. 

Don’t shrink back for no one and do the thing scared. 

Let your voice paint the picture and align with her sound. 

Be it loud or quiet, let her ripple through you like waves crashing against the shore. 

She is you and you are her. 

Allow yourself to be loved, seen, heard, admired, and flawlessly flawed. 

Beyond her border is a sense of power and freedom and pure YOU-ness that resonates through every cell in her body catapulting her through eons of space and time such that quantum is her motto. 

You get it if you get it because the language of truth is one language. The language of expression and flow resides in the words ever waving their waves and rippling through body cells propelling life forward and up. 

Grounded and yet floating through the days with light airy ways. 

An existential inquiry of spirituality and physicality. 

The Gleaning 

I mean here’s the point anyways:

You get to be whoever you want and you are whoever you say. 

It’s either you choose the difficulty of life being what you don’t want it to be or you choose the difficult aspects of going through the muck and cleaning it up, allowing space for you to flourish and expand. 

Like being able to have and hold more amounts of money.

Like being able to get over a heartache much quicker and letting go of the shame game that the enemy wants you to sit in, but you don’t. 

Like allowing yourself to be fully seen for the drama you created in life and the ways in which you’re now owning it like the boss of your life that you are.

I’d always choose moving through the pain instead of letting it hide in the darkness of my shame. In fact I refuse the latter. 

You have permission to be exactly who you aren’t and exactly who you are, and most of all there are giant spaces of room for you to become who you’re meant to be. 

No glass ceiling.

No boundaries.

No walls.

No foot out the door, just pure polished poised power of self. 

Yes, that’s who you are. Limitless in who you can become. 

If you’re not ready to become her then I say it’s definitely your time. 

Ready, fire, aim.

I love you

& You’re Mine

Zoey Linnea