Oodles & Oodles Of Those Buggers

It’s all a big fat lie. 

I want to talk to you for a minute about the stories I’ve been sharing and the truth about what they mean in my life and what they would mean for you when they are distinguished for what they are. 

Yeah, we all have stories that we’ve made up about life, people, men, women, money, food, our bodies, and so on. 

Humans… yes, we have stories galore. 

Oodles and oodles of them. 

For days and days and days, we could have different new stories every day of the year and triple it for good measure. 

The point is: we have stories, every single one of us. 

But we walk around BLIND to them. 

And when we walk around blind to our stories, meaning we don’t have it like they are stories, we have it like they are the truth so help me God….

And when that is the case, which is almost always unless you have some sort of practice to notice them and see them for what they are, well then, they will run your life and give you what you have always gotten. 

Are We Really Safe & Protected Though? 

Recently I’ve been talking about the story I have had since I was very young, and my recent sharing about it wasn’t coming from my first time seeing it. 

I have seen this little bugger years ago and took action years ago to eradicate it. 

But the thing with these little buggers of stories is that they change clothes, they speak in a different tone and voice, they hide in the shadows, and they masquerade around in different costumes hoping that you won’t notice so that you stay playing a small game and ultimately that you stay “SAFE & PROTECTED” from danger and evil. 

They are loving protectors, really. 

They truly want you to be well, all tucked in safe and sound at night in your bed.

But what they don’t know is the destruction and sabotage they bring along with them. 

So again I saw the “I’m not loveable” sneak up and reveal itself to me after about two years of running the secret underground life of Zoey. 

And the reason I share this is because this for me is how I have it disappear. 

Getting it out in the open allows me to become more aware and conscious of its ways, its behaviors, the sound of its voice, and the different costumes it wears. 

Because then when it does arrive and tries to take the driver seat in my life I will know and I will be able to take a different action, to tell myself the truth of who I am (I am loveable, loved, extraordinary), and my brain patterns will continue to change over time with practice. 

I did it with money on many levels that have now become second nature to me. 

You see that’s what’s going on with all of us, always. 

For each story we have about life, money, love etc. we have different brain grooves (deep like the grand canyon valleys) that tell us which behaviors to perform, what to say and do, and when. 

Autopilot 101 my friends. 

Who You Are, Really!

When I share with you my stories I’m not coming from a place of THIS IS WHO I AM. No. 

I am coming from a place of new learning and awareness and sharing to make the difference for me and for you. 

Because every time I share with someone I get more clear about how that particular story plays out in my life and what it does and doesn’t do, how it sounds, and when it speaks as if it runs the show. 

Surprisingly the more I share about the LIE the more I see the TRUTH. 

The more I see the truth the more space opens up in my life for CREATION from absolutely nothing. 

This is powerful news! And not really new news anyways but a reminder about how easily we can go on autopilot and let our stories that were born from fear take over and run the show. 

And that’s what happened: the “I’m not loveable” and “ I need a man to save me” autopilot kicked in at high speed and THE WHO I REALLY AM had nothing to do with it. 

Autopilot, subconscious, sleepwalking. 

Even if I run the risk of looking bad, so be it. At this point do you think I care? No. 

I care that you and I learn to grow beyond the limiting beliefs we picked up when we were children and that we invent a life that we create and leave behind the life that we thought was handed to us without a say (somehow thinking we have no choice in the matter, now). 

We now have a say. 

We have a choice.

I mean I get giddy excited about this stuff because it’s how I stay free. 

It’s how I continuously release the past and take my power back when it gets drained. 

It’s how I transform the old stories into a story I create.

It’s how I choose freely about the money I want to make, what I do for work, who my clients are, the money I save and invest, and the way I treat my body, friends, and everything that matters to me in life. 

Lock Em Up In The Trunk

Limiting beliefs are not inherently true unless you believe they are and it takes practice to drudge them up, see them for what they are and write a new story. 

You don’t just do it once per story, you get to know what your limiting stories are intimately and little by little you rewire your brain for new neural pathways, new stories, new beliefs and behaviors. 

Having a practice like this gives you access to knowing yourself more which allows you to help your clients better, be a stronger coach, and be a contributing member of your friend groups, co-workers, and family. 

When you understand yourself more and see beyond the stories, because none of us are our stories, we tend towards compassion, forgiveness, and understanding with others as opposed to judging, assessing, and canceling. 

No human is free from stories and belief systems. 

But as adults who are no longer living as that actual three year old who made up the story to begin with, we have the power to grow and change them, one step and day at a time. 

My version of that is owning my past stories as the stories that they are. Untrue and quite limiting. 

From that type of owning and sharing I can create a life where who I really am is the driver and the “I’m not lovable” takes a lifelong ride in the trunk of this convertible. 

Little PINK convertible.

Now it’s your turn. 

See it. 

Own it. 

Love on it. 

And put it in the trunk!

I love you

& you’re mine

Zoey Linnea