Say Yes to the Calling on Your Life

It’s not hard to know there’s a calling on your life.

You can feel it like an urge that can’t be shaken.

Like a pulling forward and you can’t back down.

Like a stand you take that you can never sit down from. 

No matter what, you keep being called and pulled forward.

The urge never dies. 

Getting it right isn’t even a second thought. 

Because being who you’re called to be is bigger than whether or not you might look bad or ruffle some feathers. 

That kind of calling on your life calls you up to be bigger. 

The bigger-ness than you already are. 

The kind of calling that gnaws at your heart and can’t be stifled. 

That kind of calling is on your life and is your purpose. 

You know what it is. 

Mine has never shut up, not that I would want it to. 

I love the calling, the pull, the urge, the drive, the heart, the calling that can’t be claimed by anyone but me. 

That’’s a calling on your life that you don’t want to ignore. 

Who do you think put that calling there, rising up in your heart and every move and thought? 

When it’s to do good and make a difference for the world, it can’t be forgotten.

Over and over I must surrender to it. 

Like a woman in a man’s arms completely drawn to him to take her.. 

Like, yeah take me. 

I’m yours. 

Every inch of my life is yours. 

That kind of calling can’t be passed over.

It’s meant to be. 

It’s not a fleeting fling. 

Not a passing by of subtle emotions. 

Strong heart ropes attached to ONE THING and one thing only. 

This kind of calling must be answered. 

Like you must answer the call or you’re not satisfied and the empty feeling lingers when you ignore it. 

It’s an aligned calling. 

That when you take that call you feel filled up to the brim with purpose. 

The kind of calling that you would do regardless of money and prestige. 

You HAVE to. 

No, you want to. 

No, you MUST go after this call. 

And when you don’t, why is that? 

It seems bigger than you, it seems who am I to do it? 

Who are you not to do it? 

It’s YOUR calling.

It’s your God/Universe given purpose to activate the waking up of the world and ONLY YOU can do it. 

That’s why it’s yours. 

No one can tell you how to preach it, market it, or sell it. 

Only you know that. 

In fact, don’t let anyone tell you how you can share about it, talk about it, write about it, market it, preach the dang thing and where, when, what, and how to show up to give the world of you! 

That’s only a distraction away from who you’re meant to be and how you’re meant to shine this light on Earth. 

And unless a business coach is teaching me more about how to embrace ME, I’m not listening. 

Your 30 booked calls in 30 days don’t phase me. 

Your 50k in one month doesn’t spark my interest. 

Her life does. 

His life does. 

Getting to BE the real self and be seen for who you really are really gets me going at night. 

Totally turned on to you being you beyond any made up story that everyone else might believe but you know you’re more than that story. 

It’s a story and stories can be re-written, edited, chapters deleted, new chapters begun. 

The calling on your life is what matters. 

So who’s sitting at your table? 

Are you brunching with the enemy or the savior? 

The enemy pitches limiting beliefs, excuses, can’ts, won’ts, shyness to speak up, embarrassed to take a stand, negative thoughts and words, and overpowering negative emotions. 

The savior tells you the truth of who you really are and boasts about what you’re capable of, shines a light on your gifts and talents and gives you the desire in your heart that catapults you forward no matter what the enemy tries to distract you with. 

You’re not having it. 

Nothing less than being you, getting paid to be you, and expressing the urges within that cause transformation in the world starting with every cell in your body. 

My man is God and it’s my man who protects and provides.

So what is your calling and are you answering? 

Does fear try to take over and tll you that it’s not perfect enough, not going to be accepted, that others will leave you and not love you? 

Lies I tell you, lies. 

Don’t believe the lies. 

It doesn’t have to be perfect, you prefect it along the way. 

Taking action now is what matters, aiming later will suffice. 

In fact YES! act now, aim later. 

Calibrate upwards. 

You learn along the way inside of taking action, inside of showing up, inside of failing. 

Failure is a tool. Nothing else. 

It doesn’t mean you’ve screwed up or that you should quit. 

It definitely doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of those God given visions of your life and it surely doesn’t mean that you’re not loved. 

Haha!! No. 

Again, don’t believe the lies. 

And when you have God/Universe on your side, seated at your table nothing isn’t possible. 

Possible is God’s middle name.  

Spirit is in you and moves through you and is you. 

Spirit guides, directs, and reveals the path to you IN ACTION. 

So.. THAT calling on your life….

Take the call…

Delete, ignore, evict the enemy and all the lies being told about you. 


Take the call. 

I love you

& you’re mine

Zoey Linnea