There was a moment in 2019 when everything in my relationship with money was changed forever.

Even though it’s not all perfect now and I have still made mistakes, I’ve never gone back to living the way I once did..

Paycheck to paycheck,

Always fearful,

Anxious everyday,

Ashamed of who I was being with money.

And it was the shame that always stopped me from facing the reality of my situation with money. 

Until one day I allowed myself to be-with the shame. 

In that moment sitting with an ex after work hours working out a budget, I experienced myself as not-the-shame. 

Who I am is more than that and it was literally this moment that changed the money game for me, forever. 

Plus it was all the moments before this one that brought it to fruition.

Everytime in the past I had experienced the shame I would have to look away because I couldn’t bear to feel it.

But once I really understood and had the courage to face it, I was never the same and neither was my bank account. 

Even though I’ve still made mistakes like recently ending a marriage that I got into not just for love but for fear of finances and in order to try to benefit myself financially (which was delusional in the first place)… 

I have been embarrassed and ashamed and yet I just won’t allow myself to stay there. 

It takes a lot of courage to admit it and own up to how stupid decisions were made but I encourage myself, and you, to know that you can still have money work for you… and you might still make mistakes based on your past programming. 

It happens and it doesn’t mean you’re bad or wrong or otherwise. 

It just means you’re human. 

And it just means if you want a new experience with money then you must do the work to transform it.

And recently having some of my new clients see the history of their relationship with money has opened up new possibilities for them and it’s magical because now they get to consciously create their relationship with money – not live inside of the continuation of the default story of the way they wound up being with money. 

Continuing to become aware of your thoughts and actions around moolah will only serve you and your highest good. 

Afterall I have been able to do so much more in my life including doing my purpose work and traveling to places I never thought I’d go. 

I’m writing this blog from an apartment where I’m staying for one month in Newport Beach, California where I was blessed with a Tesla for transportation where I’m surrounded by good friends and people who love me. 

None of this would be possible if I didn’t continually challenge myself to tell the truth about what I think and feel and how I’ve been behaving with money.

Doing the above gives me the space to create a new reality with money.

Money is totally supportive of me and my purpose work when I lean into what my mission is. 

Money is a tool and only reacts to how I think, feel, and behave with it.

I am grateful for money for what I affords me to do and be in this life and it’s all thanks to God for providing everything I need and thensome, always! 

Whatever you want in life, you can create it. 

Remember it’s your choice, life is an opportunity for growth and you get to say. 

I love you, 

Zoey Linnea