Secret to Getting What You Want

The secret is that there is no secret.

When you get fed up enough with loathing yourself or making every “wrong” move wrong, you just choose to give it up and that life isn’t worth living in a reused cycle of the shame game, poor me I could’ve, would’ve, should’ve, done better phase.

When you finally decide to give all that up and love yourself the way you are and the way you’re not and truly get how miraculous of a human being you are, then you can be free.

Freedom does come with a cost but it’s cheap.

Freedom does come with choices, but they can be easy to make.

Freedom does come with letting go and unchaining the heavy weight of past stories and behaviors that are addictive.

We are often addicted to the very things we so badly want to eliminate from our lives.

So often we don’t take responsibility for that everything we have is directly related to the way we think and the view that we have about life and people and things.

So we go on with life wondering why we don’t have what we want and yet if we would just let go of all the junk in the space of us and our lives, then we would be OPEN to receiving what we’ve been asking for.

What we prayed for can’t come in when we hold onto what we don’t want.

And this IS as simple as it sounds.

This is why some people never get what they want because they never let go of what they don’t want.

An endless cycle of keeping the past in your present moment.

Living out a life where your future is predictable based on what happened in the past.

This is not walking away from every little thing that would catapult our growth.

Hindsight 20/20

And even then, sometimes hindsight is 20/20.

We are meant to let go and move forward but sometimes that means staying put right where you are and transforming your very way of being around what it is that stands in your way of total freedom within yourself.

When you walk away from the very thing that presents opportunity for growth, it will arise again and present itself AGAIN and it may not be more subtle the next time.

Like a wrecking ball with full force, our life lessons have the tendency to knock us back that we can’t hide from it any longer.

Wake up! She says.

Wake up! He demands.

And when you do, the grass is greener on the other side.

What you desire and what you’ve asked for simply falls into your lap.

That’s why my signature money course works and so many of the women who actually do the work will have 50%-80% pay increases because they just did the work of bringing what was in the dark into the light.

They took a look at their past programming and where it came from and created a new future and suddenly or not quite suddenly what they’ve been asking for all along just lands in their lap.

Money starts to work and relationships to men alter as they now understand themselves more and allow who they really are, beyond the automatic ways of being, emerge!

It’s not about getting it right or looking good while you do it.

In fact, it’s often quite ugly but that’s what makes humans so beautiful.

Having a willingness to look ugly and be vulnerable is key to fully accepting yourself and who you are.

Having a willingness to look upon the missed-takes you’ve made and ONLY have them evolve your ways of thinking and viewing money, the world, yourself and others.

Your Flaws Are Beautiful

I won’t pretend I’m perfect because I’m far from it.

I won’t hide my every flaw just because I have beautiful photos to post to social media.

My beauty is in the richness of the life I lead, the conversations I have, and the impact I create in the world out of who I be for myself and who I be for you.

I’ll never be perfect but I’ll strive for excellence.

As a child of the most high I am already accepted and loved and until I see this then I am not fully accepting God.

To see yourself as the way God sees you… THAT is spirituality.

To see yourself beyond the flaws to the real beauty of being totally seen that nothing and nobody can hurt you.

The question is, are you going to give it all up just for a man?

Are you going to lose yourself for a man?

Are you going to become slave to corporations and money?

Or are you going to begin at the end?

Are you going to own who you are so you can discover your purpose in life?

Are you going to make a pact with your soul right here and right now that whatever you must do to evolve into the spiritual being you know yourself to be who is living here in 3D, that WHATEVER it takes…

You will find a way…

You will not back down…

You will elevate your mind and body as one…

Yoked in the goodness of what it is and what it MEANS to be ALIVE (not dead).

Because that’s what we’re here for.

That’s what we signed up for.

That’s what makes being human so beautiful.

We have a chance to mold ourselves and our outer experience into exactly what we want.

We have a chance to be conscious creators in the matter of our career, our relationships, our bodies, money, minds, and more…

And do we take the opportunity, or do we sit another day on the couch hoping that Netflix will fade us into the background and disappear that THING that we just can’t face in ourselves?

I think not.

I think nay.

Because when all you want to do is unplug and unwind and drink another bottle of wine, once again we walk on by the opportunity to live a life that we no longer have to numb!

The Answer Resides In Dark Places

Freedom is when you go towards the pain and suffering.

Not to get lost but to FACE IT.

Not to create more pain but to CREATE LESS.

Not to AVOID but to ATTEND TO what so deeply needs to be seen, loved, accepted, and cherished by you, about YOU.

Meeting my father for the first time when I was 30 years old was like a metaphor for me.

I actually didn’t want to BUT I NEEDED to.

I needed to face this side of me, the other 50% of my DNA to understand myself on a deeper level, and I did.

Facing him had me face myself.

The stories I blindly believed about me, men, and money were suddenly revealed to me and my income was THEN able to increase over 50% and the money I made stayed in the bank.

Facing ONESELF is the hardest thing to do and also the BEST THING you will ever do.

My life was turned upside down, inside out, and turned in every direction but I kept going.

And maybe it’s not like that for everyone.

Some people really have great parents and great lives and sometimes no big traumas.

But for those that do, I understand completely.

It can be easier to just stay the same.

It can be more comfortable to just stay the same.

But where is the fun in that?

Compared to 6 years ago, my life doesn’t have the drama in it that it once did.

Compared to 6 years ago, my self-expression and general aliveness has quadrupled.

I wouldn’t trade the downfall for what I have now.

If I had to do it all again, I would.

Because I’ve lived without money and with money and I prefer the latter.

It’s not a shameful thing to desire, to have money and create an awesome life with it.

You’re not more spiritual without money, you’re just broke and spiritual and those two things aren’t dependent on each other.

You can have both.

You can have it all.

You can be alive in all definitions of the word.

So the moral of the story is this:

You can bring your best self forward when you allow your “worst self” to be seen and accepted, loved and cherished, too.

If you want to live your best life then be willing to face every part of you and stop rejecting the parts that you think are unlovable.

When you let go you make room for what you really want and suddenly everything falls into place.

Let go and let God.

You’ll be all the happier when you do.

I love you and you’re mine!
