The Art Form of Receiving

Receiving, an art form.

Mastered only by those willing to allow.

To let go of control and force. 

Embracing a flow of life that exists in the silence of everyday living. 

This I had managed to avoid living inside of for so many years. 

Caught up in the hustle and bustle. 

Even when I claimed to be in a flow state, I was still forcing and controlling. 

Feminine was far away. 

Masculine was at the forefront of my everyday existence. 

Nowadays I see the difference in who I’m being such that things happen differently. 

Ask and receive. 

Ask and wait patiently but expectantly. 

Ask and allow. 

The funny part is no longer needing to rush and move quickly. 

And perhaps one day this part of me will come back into focus but for now I embrace the living for living and nothing else. 

Enjoying life with an ease of being. 

Moving from one place to the next. 

Interrupting the old patterns of needing to control the outcomes with a masculine builder’s force. 

As much as I like that it doesn’t call for my creativity as much. 

Existing to create. 

Existing to play. 

Existing to use my imagination to build the scenery of my life. 

That’s more like it. 

And the money, it comes. 

And the love, it’s also everlasting. 

Abundance in the Details

An abundance of everything I need right here right now. 

Simply altered with just a way of being that pulls in no other direction than to it. 

God on my side, not man in his/her different forms. 

Yet holding the beauty of each encounter as if sacred because it is. 

Some come and some go. 

Teaching me about me. 

Teaching me to let go. 

Teaching me to look deeper and enjoy the beautiful wonder of all that is attracted towards me. 

I love this genuine living. 

Questioning what it is I really want, not based on what society deems correct. 

Based on my biology and what my body craves. 

Based on my purpose and what my soul needs. 

I finally slowed down and listened for once in my life. 

Finally relaxing into a state of not trying to get somewhere. 

It’s different and yet fulfilling. 

It’s soft and yet creative. 

Loving each aspect of the change and disallowing the fear mind to take over like it tries to do. 

My mind training taking precedence over all else. 

Letting the old ways bring me laughter and transformation. 

The Feminine Form

Fully sitting in my feminine nature. 

Letting him care for me. 

Letting him protect me. 

Letting myself be fully loved. 

And I apologize to those who I didn’t let love me. 

I apologize to those who I denied love to. 

I apologize to those who I pushed away with emasculation and control. 

Truth is that I didn’t trust you and I didn’t trust me to begin with. 

A protection mechanism that I fully love and allow to let go of. 

Now I choose differently. 

Choices that bring different outcomes and results. 

Choices that enliven me and bring increased joy to my life. 

Of course I’m sorry to the ones I left behind and the ones who didn’t keep up. 

To each their own, my lovelies. 

Pathways that only can be taken by you or me. 

We are not the same even though we have similarities. 

We are not the same even though we resemble each other. 

My journey is not your journey even though the paths appear to cross. 

You can take what you need from mine and it’s my hope that you do. 

But comparing can put you in a bind. 

I’ve done it and it never serves. 

So I say again that receiving is an art form. 

A form of loving yourself and allowing the natural abundance of the world to take over and brighten every second of your life. 

A love for the natural favor of provision. 

Something I’ve been in an inquiry about for many years and my calculations and documentations agree with many known theories. 

When you ask, you can receive. 

When you allow, you let in. 

When you relax into the natural flow of life, without force and control, what you seek automatically finds you. 

Living is to be done the “right way”, whatever that is for you. 

Living for me is leaning back and piecing together every part of my life one by one, each day at a time, one form coming into being after another. 

And enjoying the process. 

So much love to you, 

Zoey Shannon