MANIFEST YOUR DREAM GUY is a 60 day catalyst that will support you in the playful creation of the relationship of your dreams, heal the energetic blocks to letting your Dream Guy in fully, relate to yourself as the “wife” or “partner” you desire to be, and connect you to your inner feminine power, self-love, appreciation and vulnerability.

Who is the MANIFEST YOUR DREAM GUY Suitress?

The MYDG suitress is ready to get playful with herself and ignite the passion in her heart to pull her Dream Guy toward her with ease. 

The MYDG suitress has been “related” to men and gained the experience of what she desires the most (which of course means she knows what she no longer will stand for in a relationship). You’re ready for real, raw, authentic, fun and committed LOVE; nothing less. 

The MYDG suitress knows what she wants or is prepared to take a deeper look at what she needs and desires in a partnership with her Dream Guy, in communication with him, sexual intimacy,  working as a team, what she values most inside career, education, personal development, in the bedroom, kitchen, health/fitness, the subject of children, and more.

The MYDG suitress is ready and willing to release, let go and forgive anything standing in her way of allowing her Dream Guy in, to court her and be claimed by him, *FOREVER*.

You’ve just sent him a text and instead of waiting hours for a reply or never, he responds almost immediately with care and attention. He listens, communicates, adores you in every way, and shows you without a shadow of a doubt that you’re his one and only. Because you said so and no way are you settling for anything but *THIS*.

He matches all the qualities you asked for and so much more. He’s THE DREAM GUY you imagined he would be and exceeds your expectations in a plethora of ways. He’s rich in his mind, body, soul, spirit and loves the way you think, act, and BE in all areas of your life. You inspire each other to grow and push each other to the limits of WHO you are BECOMING together. 

For the first time you feel fully seen, witnessed, heard, appreciated and cherished. He accepts all of you including what you’ve been through, the heartache you’ve endured, trauma, and childhood. Your life story is his new obsession and he will do anything to stay with you and make sure you know you are loved. And you love him for loving and respecting himself in the process.

I’m all in!
I’m all in!
I’m all in!

There are only 5 seats inside 

Manifest Your Dream Guy and this program will only run 1-2 times per year.

If you know me, you know, I am a no BS kind of woman. 

The reason you haven’t Manifested Your Dream Guy is usually because of unresolved issues that keep coming up in cycles begging you to RESOLVE them.

 These can be limiting beliefs with men/love/yourself in general from your past that tell you what you do or don’t deserve.

Therefore, patterns repeat, men leave or you do, toxic relationships ensue and you find yourself repetitively saying “not this again”… much like with money/fitness or other areas of your life. 

Inside Manifest Your Dream Guy 60 Day Catalyst you will take on completing anything that is currently unresolved with *men* so you can transmute it into your heart’s deepest desires and call him to you…. The Man of Your Heart.

We’ll go straight for the root cause, pull it, examine it, love on it and say goodbye for good. 

MANIFEST YOUR DREAM GUY is your opportunity to co-create with Source… The Man of Your Heart.

I’m all in!
I’m all in!
I’m all in!

There are only 5 seats inside 

Manifest Your Dream Guy and this program will only run 1-2 times per year.

Hi! I’m Zoey and I manifested my forever guy. I know it and he knows it. That’s one of the best parts about it. He’s NOT shy at all when it comes to our love and romance. He loves me and verbally checks in with me everyday to make sure I know it. And I do. 

He opens doors for me, carries the groceries, he even made this website for me and this page you’re reading now, he pays for my cappuccinos and dinner out and he loves to serve me like the Queen I know I am. 

And that’s just it! 

Me knowing my worth and value was KEY to allowing him in and RECEIVING love and generosity. I had to deal with unforgiveness towards men in my past including my father and exes. I had to walk away from men who were really great on paper but who didn’t meet my needs in ways that were and are deeply important to me. 

Even after we met I had to face some of the demons still lurking in the dark that I had about men and even though I thought I lost him a couple of times, our love for eachother gave us the strength to get through difficult conversations, late nights awake, and become more intimate with every passing issue. 

Our love grows stronger every single day.

There are times when you think you know but aren’t sure AND THEN there is this! Knowing without a doubt that we somehow and in some way were brought together for a bigger purpose, to take on the world together and infuse our lives together forever. 

Him and I both have grown quantum leaps since we’ve come together and I personally have never felt more open and safe with another man in my life. Sexually, we fit, and that’s a big deal after having been assaulted when I was a child. I still have sensitivities that he cares for exactly the way I need, which makes for a much more pleasurable time in the bedroom because I am OPEN to RECEIVE him all the way. 

Our pillow talk is jealous of our pillow talk. 

Planning our future together in Paris, cappuccinos with an eiffel tower view, and our little girl with triple citizenship in France, Mexico, and the United States. 

When you know what you want specifically, you can manifest fast and with a lot of fun. He came because I was ready and I TREATED MYSELF the way I wanted to be treated by a man. Kept my word with myself, took care of myself, put myself first and on a pedestal, learned boundaries and held to them.

We were magnetized to each other and we’re going to share with you our secrets to how we did it with fun, ease, commitment and dedication to getting what we wanted in our dream relationship. 

Get ready ladies, this is going to be the most fun you’ve ever had manifesting a man! Think… middle school girl shrieks and giggles fun but with adult women. Ooo the best!

See you on the inside, MYDG Suitress.