Every coach, creator, and service provider needs to feel confident and self-assured so they can ASK FOR THE SALE AND RECEIVE IT.

To stop questioning your abilities and embrace your unique style that then your DREAM CLIENTS become a YES TO INVESTING IN YOU because of how magnetic you’ve become.

To remove the truly debilitating inner blocks and barriers that you can’t see but can definitely feel that are sabotaging your highly invested efforts to create HIGH INCOME MONTHS online.

To embrace the spiritual experience + content strategies that connect you to your Divine Compensation Plan that is rightfully yours to claim; I see you working your ass off , it’s time to get paid for that effort!

$10k launch, $8k in two weeks, $20k in one month, $3k in one day is what this looks like for me and my clients.

Becoming fully YOU & leveraging easy to use sales strategies that CONVERT leads into SALES, in less time.

Releasing a version that kept you safe and protected but also kept your walls up and Financial Overflow OUT.

Remembering Your actual Divinity.

A connection to WHO and WHAT you are.

Your inheritence to your Clear Channel of Intelligence.

Embracing Your Personal Paycheck Prowess… aka make money, honey because you stop forcing, heal the overwhelm and allow yourself to recieve when you ASK!

6-Week Divine Crusade Back to Your Ultimate Self & The Paycheck That Is Rightfully Yours

🐆 🐆 🐆

Small group and one-to-one container of 2 women & myself, where YOU quantum ascend, shift & come home to the TRUE YOU, capable of attracting your wildest business, relationship, and income reality! I’ve made over $157,800 in cash sales because I got over my mindset shit and see my infinite worth plus I met and married my husband!





You’re a coach, creator or service provider all set to go with your offers but are sitting twiddling your thumbs wondering why nobody is buying as much as you desire and you feel a little energetically off, not in the receiving mode + you are a full YES to changing that.


You got your branding, graphics, payment links, sales pages, possibly a Facebook group all in order and ready for your soulmate client to click buy.


You’ve had a taste of what it’s like to make sales online but you’re ready for more consistent cash creation and step into your next level income bracket ($5k-$20k).


You are ready to do the deep dive inner work to release the mental emotional energetic stagnation so you can EMBRACE YOUR RICH SELF which I know you have deep within you and it’s time to unleash that 100% belief in yourself!!

Unfold into the LIFE VISION you hold at the financial standard you desire.

VIBRATE higher to attract NEW OPPORTUNITIES not based on dead-end cycles from the past programs rooted in poverty thinking.

SHADOW brought to LIGHT.

This is your time to own your true VALUE + WORTH and have your pachecks reflect that.

Seeing the God in YOU, you’re capable of ANYTHING in business, finances, relationships, EVERYWHERE.

Unlocked & Unleashed is THAT container that interweaves Mindset, Spirituality, and Strategy for coaches, creators, and service providers to make sure that your ready to buy audience is clicking that payment link to go all in with YOU because they can FEEL YOUR true belief in yourself and want what you got.

Cause that’s just your vibe.

I’m accepting only 2 clients inside this high touch, high caliber container because the work we do here is sacred, deep, and extraordinarily transformational to you and the amount of money in your bankk!

You’re here for RESULTS and you must already be in action doing all the things in your biz.


Our calls are going to consist of first deep diving into your personal life, especially the past (the root cause) to a time where many of your current energetic blocks to money were formed in childhood.

We go straight to the source and do the healing techniques and modalities that I invested $36k to learn and master as an NLP Practitioner at the masters level. This is Tony Robbins type work which is why the price is high and my work is so effective in transforming your actual reality, in less time than it would take in traditional talk therapy, tapping, EFT and other modalities.

Yup, I’m snooping around in your life so you’ll STOP doing, saying, behaving in self-sabotaging ways in your business, relationships and quite frankly, everywhere in your life.

Once we delete limiting beliefs and install new programming around money and self, meet the wisdom of your soul (don’t worry this is harmless, easy and effortless – but you will need to do hard things, not gonna lie to ya)..

THEN we will focus on your business, sales pages, offers, and product suite to make sure you’re utilizing what you offer to stack your income in a way that will create recurring income monthly and brings in $5k-$20k from your launches and offers every month consistently over time.

Since you already have your offers, sales pages etc in place I am going to look over everything with you so we can make the necessary changes in your copy and strategy that turn your offers into a no brainer buy for your dream client.

Each call will be partially doing mindset/spirituality work and partial business tasks.

The Work that will be done in a group setting will be the same, partially mindset spirituality focused and partially focused on your business and increasing profit margins.

You can expect by the end of these 6 weeks to be spiritually, emotionally, and mentally transformed and ready to take on your business with a lot more unfuckable-with personal power and the know-how to keep building your stacked income strategy and signing clients at all price points to bring in $5k-$10k per month.

My 1:1 work is currently full with the exception of these two seats (because I like a lot of blank space on my calendar so I can create and have free time without the hussle) so when these two spots are gone, they’re gone.⬇️

Energetic Exchange & What You Receive:

🐆Only 2 Women

🐆 Approximatly 14 Hours Within Private Work One-on-One

🐆Approximatly 8 Hours Within a Group Setting

🐆 Access to One of My Group Coaching Containers YOUR CHOICE

🐆 Email & Text Support

🐆 Resources, books, downloads, handouts to keep forever

🐆PAY IN FULL BONUS: 1 month text support after the 6 weeks ends

*click the button to read the WARNING*

Unlocked & Unleashed Pay in Full $2,222

Energetic Exchange & What You Receive:

🐆Only 2 Women

🐆 Approximatly 14 Hours Within Private Work One-on-One

🐆Approximatly 8 Hours Within a Group Setting

🐆 Access to One of My Group Coaching Containers YOUR CHOICE

🐆 Email & Text Support

🐆Resources, books, downloads, handouts to keep forever


*click the button to read the WARNING*

Unlocked & Unleashed two payments of $1,297

What other private clients have said. . .

Tiffany Allen, Helping Healers & Hypnotherapists Make Sales Online

I signed up for WAP and Queendom Come (now known as Rich Girl School), and her 1:1 Breakthrough Process. Over my work with Zoey, I’ve gained a deep awareness of how my trauma had impacted my entire life – especially in the money area and feeling safe to really experience life to the fullest. A little over $1400 came out of the blue at the time I signed up with her.. amazing things happen when you decide to uplevel and the money kept flowing in. I’ve started to travel and get out of my comfort zone.. I’m in the process of buying my first home, and I’ve started budgeting and really started to feel safe ‘having’ money.. I control my money now and it doesn’t control me. I would recommend signing up with Zoey ASAP. I contemplated signing up with her (due to my own personal doubts) and I’m so happy I did because I have been signing clients and transforming my whole perspective on life, business and myself.

 -Heather Friedland, Licensed Permanent Cosmetic Artist

I have had the pleasure of working with Zoey for almost a year. Within that time I made some pretty big moves in my life. I was sick and tired of my financial and career situation. Not to mention, Zoey helped me realize that my current situation was a cyclical pattern that I had been repeating for all my life, talk about a wake up call!!

So I quit my job as a Physical Therapist Assistant and sold my house, which provided me with $100,000 of which I had been manifesting for over a year. NO, really, I had it written on my bathroom mirror that I would have $100k in my savings account. How’s that for some manifesting magic!?  I did all of this so that I could focus my time and energy on building my business that I started over a year ago.  Now I have the time, energy, and financial resources to build my business and live my life at my own pace. Let’s just say I don’t plan on working the 9-5 grind ever again! 

While working with Zoey, I had many ‘AHA’ moments that helped me to recognize patterns and thought processes that had been in place for so many years. Patterns and thoughts that have been holding me back from truly living out my potential. The gift of truth, albeit hard sometimes, is truly freeing. I enjoyed working with Zoey. She provided a safe space to be myself, express my fears, and share my wins. If you’re looking to make some big life/money changes, I recommend working with Zoey to help you start living your best LIFE!!!

 Myra Jean, Owner & Trainer at A Pawsitive Start Dog Training

Working with Zoey in her private mentoring has brought enlightenment in so many ways!  Every week Zoey would bring forth such emotion in me, and deep emotion at that, I’d swear we had reached the root. Until the next call and she would do it all over again, going even deeper in healing the past. But she doesn’t just stop there. Zoey takes the time to understand where your personal struggles are in aligning yourself so that you can work on numerous things, not just always finances. When we started working together I was going through a divorce and working on getting my businesses up and running. Miracles took place and I received property and alimony from the settlement and kept booking photography and dog training clients left and right during our time together. I’m so thankful she was there to support me through a tough time and I have made great strides in our time together. I look forward to continuing working with her in the future.

 – Janae Nelson, Licensed Mental Health Practitioner

Being able to work with Zoey has been a fun adventure. Zoey is always positive and encouraging. I walk away from calls feeling empowered, open, and excited for my future. No matter where I find myself in my life, business, or financial situation, Zoey is inspiring and nonjudgmental. I love how Zoey brings the spiritual aspect into our businesses, life, and especially into the financial realm. I really enjoy the techniques and processes that Zoey uses to bring increased awareness and movement forward. They have been powerful and life changing.  I look forward to the calls I have with Zoey. Thank you!!

 Kristy Kashner Darby, Paralegal & Education Advocate

I have worked with Zoey for the last 8 months in her various programs. I began working with Zoey to help with my financial and budget issues. I continued working with her to grow my education advocacy business. Her coaching gave me so much more. I’m calmer. I’m able to put myself in others’ shoes more and see why they behave the way they do. I was offered a position at my current job doing exactly what I wanted to do, with more pay, after Zoey and I did some really deep healing and subconscious reprogramming. I’m more creative and meeting so many amazing people. I began caring a lot more about my physical health and fitness and have become more interested in expressing my emotions instead of avoiding them. I would highly recommend Zoey to assist you with your financial life, which actually will change your ENTIRE life. 🥰

Zoey Shannon is a powerful force in the world of personal finance and spiritual development. She is a Spiritual Money Coach who empowers independent women to break free from financial stress and find peace, abundance, and joy in their lives.

Zoey’s journey began as a young woman who struggled with anxiety and debt, despite having a successful career in finance. She found herself at a crossroads, feeling like she had everything she thought she wanted, but still feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. It was then that she discovered the power of spiritual practices and how they can transform not just our financial lives, but our entire existence.

Through her own journey of personal growth and financial healing, Zoey developed a unique approach to money coaching that combines practical financial strategies with spiritual principles. She helps women tap into their intuition and inner wisdom, so they can make decisions that align with their deepest values and desires.

With her signature blend of heart-centered wisdom and street-smart savvy, Zoey empowers women to take control of their money, create financial stability, and cultivate a rich and abundant life.

The Power of Financial Healing

Financial stress can be a heavy burden to carry, but it doesn’t have to be. Zoey’s approach to money coaching is rooted in the belief that financial healing is possible, and that by addressing our money issues at a deep, spiritual level, we can create lasting change.

Financial healing is not just about paying off debt and increasing income. It’s about transforming the way we think and feel about money, so we can release old patterns and beliefs that are holding us back. It’s about discovering our true worth and aligning our financial lives with our deepest values and desires.

How Zoey Can Help

Zoey offers a variety of programs and services to help women heal their relationship with money and create financial abundance. From one-on-one coaching to group workshops, she provides the guidance, support, and tools you need to achieve your financial goals.

Her programs are designed to help you:

Create a money mindset that supports your financial success

Develop a personalized financial plan that aligns with your values and desires

Release limiting beliefs and negative patterns around money

Increase your income and create financial stability

Build a solid financial foundation for your future

A Journey to Abundance

Financial abundance is not just about having more money. It’s about feeling abundant in every area of your life – from your relationships to your health, your career, and your spirituality. With Zoey’s guidance, you can tap into the power of your own inner wisdom and create a life of abundance and joy.

So if you’re ready to heal your relationship with money and create financial abundance, join Zoey on this journey. Start living the life you deserve, and step into your power as a financially abundant, independent woman.

Zoey Shannon is a powerful force in the world of personal finance and spiritual development. She is a Spiritual Money Coach who empowers independent women to break free from financial stress and find peace, abundance, and joy in their lives.

Zoey’s journey began as a young woman who struggled with anxiety and debt, despite having a successful career in finance. She found herself at a crossroads, feeling like she had everything she thought she wanted, but still feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. It was then that she discovered the power of spiritual practices and how they can transform not just our financial lives, but our entire existence.

Through her own journey of personal growth and financial healing, Zoey developed a unique approach to money coaching that combines practical financial strategies with spiritual principles. She helps women tap into their intuition and inner wisdom, so they can make decisions that align with their deepest values and desires.

With her signature blend of heart-centered wisdom and street-smart savvy, Zoey empowers women to take control of their money, create financial stability, and cultivate a rich and abundant life.

The Power of Financial Healing

Financial stress can be a heavy burden to carry, but it doesn’t have to be. Zoey’s approach to money coaching is rooted in the belief that financial healing is possible, and that by addressing our money issues at a deep, spiritual level, we can create lasting change.

Financial healing is not just about paying off debt and increasing income. It’s about transforming the way we think and feel about money, so we can release old patterns and beliefs that are holding us back. It’s about discovering our true worth and aligning our financial lives with our deepest values and desires.

How Zoey Can Help

Zoey offers a variety of programs and services to help women heal their relationship with money and create financial abundance. From one-on-one coaching to group workshops, she provides the guidance, support, and tools you need to achieve your financial goals.

Her programs are designed to help you:

Create a money mindset that supports your financial success

Develop a personalized financial plan that aligns with your values and desires

Release limiting beliefs and negative patterns around money

Increase your income and create financial stability

Build a solid financial foundation for your future

A Journey to Abundance

Financial abundance is not just about having more money. It’s about feeling abundant in every area of your life – from your relationships to your health, your career, and your spirituality. With Zoey’s guidance, you can tap into the power of your own inner wisdom and create a life of abundance and joy.

So if you’re ready to heal your relationship with money and create financial abundance, join Zoey on this journey. Start living the life you deserve, and step into your power as a financially abundant, independent woman.